Iowa bow armor world of warships
Iowa bow armor world of warships

iowa bow armor world of warships

Even when they're trying to do it deliberately.Ĭolorado isn't as bad as people make it out to be. There's a whole lot of island play with the Cleveland that just isn't possible to poorer players. But recent experiences have shown me the error of my ways. Much sadness.Īlso re the Cleveland, I used to think the same about its low skill ceiling. The Nagato is solid, while the Colorado has. I'm a huge fan of the Hood, the Nelson looks to be pretty damn special, the Gneisnau is a worse Scharnhorst, but that doesn't make it bad. That is mostly missing from the tier 9 BB's.ĭon't say that about the KGV! I really want to play and enjoy it.īut worst at tier 7? I don't know how damning that is, as tier 7 have a relatively strong suite of battleships, including a couple who can vie for 'best tier for tier in the game' (Noteably, the Scharnhorst). When you go from 9 to 10 and play your first battle in your new GK, Yammy, or Monty you just instantly know that you have gotten a bigger, better, and more badass ship then the one you had before. Where as the jump from 9 to 10 (and also from 7 to 8 ) is much more pronounced. That is to say that for the most part they are more or less identical to their tier 8 brethren (expect for Izumo), but with slightly more HP and, maybe, bigger guns or more speed. Instead they all just sort of feel like they are actually tier 8.5. Over all I think the problem I have with the tier 9 BB's is that none of them really feel like they belong at that tier. The Iowa and Missouri are reasonably nice since they can flex around the map in ways that battleships just shouldn't be able to do. So much so that I'd rather play the Amagi at tier 9/10 then the Izumo. The FdG is pretty meh and might be the low point of the German BB line. I can't comment on Lion since I haven't got to it yet. In fact, with the exception of the Iowa and Missouri after their recent buffs, I'd say that tier 9 is not a great battleship tier. It is marginally playable, but its turret layout is awful, and the 9 -> 10 grind is long enough that it will make you want to kill your self. Every one for tier 5 - 10 are decent except for the Izumo.

Iowa bow armor world of warships