Gspot diablo 2 jsp
Gspot diablo 2 jsp

  • All quest items, marked in green (Stones, Hellforge, Altars etc).
  • A red line drawn to the nearest boss (Nihlithak, summoner etc).
  • A purple line drawn to the next level exit.
  • Text to speech to announce dropped special items defined in your item filter.
  • Item drop alerts with a customisable filter.
  • This MH will automatically exit when you exit D2R.
  • You can also right click the icon in the system tray.
  • gspot diablo 2 jsp

  • You can reload the maphack with Shift+F11.
  • You can exit the maphack with Shift+F10.
  • Press \ to switch map to the left corner.
  • Press Ctrl+H to see help in game, including a map legend.
  • Start D2R, then start the MH, you should see text in the top left corner. This way you can be fully aware of what code you're executing and you don't have to trust an opaque executable.ĭo not accept executables for this from any other source! Usage Then you can simply double click the file src/d2r-map.ahk to run from source code. If you still don't trust it, you can run directly from source which is very easy. This tool reads from memory and hooks into global hotkeys which as a general throws up flags in certain virus scanners. If you look on the Autohotkey forums, you'll see this is a widely reported problem. This is because the tool is written in Autohotkey.Īutohotkey, while a powerful tool, has been used for all sorts of nefarious applications in the past. The compiled executable will get false positives in virus scans. Sometimes windows defender can intercept the download, try a different browser if this happens. Refer to troubleshooting below if you have issues. The executable does not require administrator privileges unless you are running the game as administrator.

    gspot diablo 2 jsp

    (needs an update) Map examples Stony Field Blizzard did a banwave targetting this tool for usage online on October 14 2022.ĭO NOT USE THIS TOOL ONLINE AS IT WILL RESULT IN A BANĭO NOT USE THIS TOOL ONLINE AS IT WILL RESULT IN A BAN Discord server

    Gspot diablo 2 jsp